Retirement Trust

Reduce Taxes and Maintain Your Privacy

Reduce Taxes and Maintain Your Privacy

As we grow older and get ready for our later years it becomes necessary to consider what will be required to handle our affairs and estates to preserve what we have for our use and leave what is left for our loved ones. For many this is a great dilemma that is surrounded with uncertainty and fear of losing what we have worked so hard to have. The choices are very few as to any solution that both provides and protects an estate.

Potentially reduce income taxes and Maintain privacy with a Proprietary Trust

The Resolute Trust Package

  • All legal work to compile the Operations and Services Manual for the Business Trust

    All legal work to compile the Operations and Services Manual for the Business Trust

    " Once the property is transferred into a Spendthrift Trust Organization, it is subject to its own indenture, which governs and, protects the property held by it. The government can ONLY regulate and tax entities it creates. "

  • Preparing the copyright

    Preparing the copyright

    " The structure of the Copyright Business Trust is applicable to any type of business. For professional reasons, some businesses require that business be conducted through a Corporation, Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Sole Proprietorship or other legal entity. "

  • Filing the copyright with the Library of Congress to obtain the required copyrighted material

    Filing the copyright with the Library of Congress to obtain the required copyrighted material

    " The certificate of registration is issued by the Copyright Office and is the basic copyright document establishing date of publication, author, source of underlying material, contact person, and initial owner of copyright. "

  • Independent Agent Agreements

    Independent Agent Agreements

    " The Independent Sales/Service Agents that are contracted by the Business Trust to provide services, perform sales, sell supplies, manufacture goods, resell merchandise and conduct business of any kind on behalf of the Business Trust are in total compliance with the Internal Revenue Code and completely within the law. "

  • Lease Agreements

    Lease Agreements

    " All equipment and business assets are owned by the Beneficial Trust and leased to the Business Trust are included in the Lease Agreement. "

  • Full on-going support

    Full on-going support

    " Full on-going support is provided for consultations, documents and other support services. "

Thank you for your interest in the Resolute Trust.

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Thank you for your interest in Resolute Trusts. Get your tax plan and trust started by contacting us today.

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